The End is Nigh Wiki

Collectibles are various items of interest scattered across the game's levels. Ash can collect these items by touching them.

Tumors[ | ]

Tumors are the first collectible type introduced in the game. They are small living things found in most main levels of the Past, floating in slightly out of the way locations and often requiring some clever maneuvering from Ash in order to grab them.

Mega tumors are large tumors found in secret levels of the Past. They act the exact same way as regular tumors, except collecting one increases the tumor counter by 5 instead of 1.

The tumor counter is always present at the top left of the screen (outside of cartridges), showing the current amount of tumors Ash owns. The counter also shows the tumor status for the current level:

  • A tumor icon with no extra symbols next to it means the level has a tumor that has not been collected yet.
  • A cross symbol on top of the icon means there are no tumors in the level.
  • A checkmark drawn with a dashed line next to the tumor icon means the tumor has been grabbed, but hasn't been confirmed as collected yet.
  • A fully colored checkmark on top of the tumor icon means the tumor has been collected successfully.

In order for a tumor to be confirmed as collected, Ash must first grab it and then either cross a level transition by walking into an adjacent level or jump into a warp. Dying or fast-travelling while holding a non-secured tumor makes the tumor return to its original position.

In total, 165 regular tumors and 57 mega tumors can be collected by Ash throughout the game. This amounts to 450 tumors on the counter. Completing cartridge goals can grant Ash up to 52 bonus tumors, so the total number of tumors that can be acquired is 502.

In areas of the Future tumors are used as lives. Every time Ash dies and respawns, one tumor is deducted from the tumor counter. If Ash dies while having 0 tumors, a Game Over screen is displayed, and Ash respawns at the beginning of the current area. Touching the warp point (ancestors' guts) at the beginning of an area replenishes all tumors.

Cartridges[ | ]

Main article: Cartridges

Cartridges are collectible mini-games. Each area in the game contains one, rarely multiple cartridges. Collected cartridges can be accessed from Ash's gaming console in The End 1 or Anguish 1. Interacting with the console shows a list of all available cartridges. Those can be played at any time, serving as additional platforming challenges. Cartridges often feature mechanics and design choices which were deemed to be too janky for the main game.

Unlike a tumor, collecting a cartridge does not require crossing a level transition. Once Ash touches a cartridge, it instantly becomes available in the console menu and cannot be lost.

There are 20 collectible cartridges in the game and 2 special cartridges which have different conditions for unlocking them.

Regular cartridges contain their own internal collectible type - rings, collecting which is required for cartridge goals.

Keys[ | ]

Keys are a special collectible type first introduced in The Machine. A key can be used to open any locked gate across the game. When the gate is unlocked, one key is consumed permanently. Ash can carry multiple keys on him at once.

Collecting keys works the same way as collecting tumors, in a sense that once Ash touches a key, he has to cross a level transition or enter a warp in order to become the key's owner. Dying or fast-travelling via the map menu before crossing a level transition makes the key return to its original position.

Every area in the Past contains one secret locked behind a door, which requires a key. Those secrets contain a reward - a mega tumor or a cartridge, and a replacement key. This ensures the game cannot be softlocked by unlocking one of those doors at a bad time.

Aside from The Machine, one key that's not hidden behind a locked door can be found in Blight. Completing the full game with all collectibles leaves Ash with two extra keys that have no use.

See also[ | ]

  • Cartridges - main page for the cartridge collectible, containing the details about cartridge types.
  • Levels - a page containing a list of areas in which tumors, keys, and cartridges can be collected.
  • Achievements - goals tracked outside of the game, a lot of which are tied to collectibles in one way or another.