The End is Nigh Wiki
Blight 1



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Blight is the third area in the second part of the game, accessed by getting through Gloom. It is the Future version of Overflow. The area got flooded even more by the ongoing hard rain, washing away the toxins and bringing new dangers. Blight introduces one new enemy, not encountered anywhere outside of The Future (Steven prophesies) prior to this point.

Blight's main path consists of 21 level. Most of the area's levels are altered versions of Overflow's levels, with Blight 21 being the Future version of The Split.

Blight contains 8 secret levels, in which 1 cartridge, Pus-Man, can be collected.

Getting through Blight leads Ash to Ruin.

Enemies[ | ]

Blight houses 9 enemy types:

  • Glubs - fleshy, lumpy blobs that can be seen stuck to walls and floating in water all over Blight. They are functionally identical to agonyias from other Future areas, acting as passive obstacles.
  • Mother - a mass of flesh, covering some of Blight's levels. When Ash gets close enough, Mother begins to expand in his direction, following Ash indefinitely as long as he is in range. If Ash gets far enough away, Mother will start retracting to its original position. Touching the flesh will kill Ash.
  • Thistlefish - hostile fish which will chase Ash in the water. Thistlefish will approach Ash slowly if he is far away and quickly dash towards him within certain range. If the fish manages to jump out of water and onto a solid platform, it will flop around unpredictably, attempting to get back into water. Touching the thistlefish kills Ash.
  • Paraslags - spiky slug-like creatures which stick to floors and ceilings of the area and remain stationary until Ash approaches them and either walks underneath them or jumps over them. When that happens, paraslag will dash up or down in a straight line, attempting to catch Ash, and will stick to the next surface in its way. Any contact with a paraslag kills Ash.
  • Floasts - floating creatures, similar to hoasts. Their head is also covered by a human skull and a small fleshy tail can be seen sticking out at the bottom. Much like hoasts and other enemies with skull shells, floasts are "bouncy". Jumping on top of a floast allows Ash to bounce off of its skull shell. Touching the sides or the bottom of a floast will kill Ash.
  • Musks - relatively large flying blobs, marked by a cross on their head. After noticing Ash for the first time, the musk will start following him. When close enough to Ash, the musk will charge towards him with a loud growl. Touching the musk kills Ash. Musks fly over solid blocks, but can't see Ash through a solid wall initially. Only one of them appears in this area, in Blight 19.
  • Turret (static, single-shot) - a stationary turret firing relatively slow-moving bullets in one direction at even intervals. Touching a bullet or the turret itself kills Ash.
  • Turret (tracking, single-shot) - a rotating turret which tracks Ash's movement with a slight delay and fires relatively slow-moving bullets at even intervals, as long as it can see Ash. This turret type and the one below only appear in the secret under Blight 12, but not in any of the main levels.
  • Turret (tracking, rapid-fire) - a rotating turret which tracks Ash's movement with a slight delay and fires a continuous stream of fast-moving bullets, as long as it can see Ash.

Secret entrances[ | ]

  • Blight 4 (upwards secret) - 1 NPC. Accessed by swimming up through an opening in the ceiling.
  • Blight 10 (upwards secret) - 1 NPC. Accessed by climbing up from the top left of the level.
  • Blight 12 (downwards secret) - 1 cartridge (Pus-Man). Accessed by breaking through the breakable blocks in the left wall.

Characters[ | ]

Blight contains 3 NPCs. Click on "Open" to see their dialogue.

Mini-Steven in the secret above Blight 4:

hey fellow me!
odd seeing
you here

i see we are
at it again
adventures and such

i assume it will end
as it always does

if you are lucky
maybe a piece of you
will drop off

and run away . . .
maybe choose the
path more traveled?

look at me . . .
being some
kinda oracle


or whatever
. . .

Gish in the secret above Blight 10:

oh hey
i didn't see
you there

do you remember me?
back when life
was simple

we would just
hang out
being sticky

but now you
gotta be all deep
and brooding

you've changed man
. . .
lighten up!

go outside
or something

it's time
take a break

no one likes someone
who's all
doom and gloom

at least add some
humor to lighten it up
a bit

you didn't even add
any poo jokes dude!?

i got one
for ya

have you heard
the one
about the


he worked
it out
with a pencil

. . .

and there you go!

Skeleton in Blight 21:


this time
for real!

no joking!

you go down
you die!

we all die!




. . .


it's time to
close the book on
this horrid memory

let the earth open
and the mother take
us into forever!

Trivia[ | ]

  • Mini-Steven, the NPC in the secret above Blight 4, references Edmund's game Time Fcuk, which was the first game in which Steven appeared as a character.
  • Gish, the NPC in the secret above Blight 10, is a reference to Edmund's game with the same name.
  • The presence of turrets in the area may be explained by Mother carrying pieces of The Machine with her during her expansion to Blight, or carrying pieces of Ruin up.
  • It's reasonable to assume that the lonely musk appearing in Blight 19 escaped from Golgotha.

Gallery[ | ]

Gallery of Blight's main levels[ | ]

Gallery of Blight's secret levels[ | ]

Individual level pages[ | ]

Blight map

Full map of the world

See also[ | ]

  • Gloom - the area which comes before Blight.
  • Ruin - the area which comes after Blight.
  • Overflow - the Past version of Blight.