The End is Nigh Wiki

The End 3 is a level in The End is Nigh. It's connected to The End 2 from the left, The End 4 from the right and a secret area from the bottom.

The End 3

Screenshot of the level

The End 1 D

"???" area below

The End 2 D

"???" area below

Collectibles and Secrets[ | ]

  • Tumor: To collect the tumor, simply jump into it.
  • Secret Area and Mega Tumor: To access the "???" levels, jump from the ledge and smash the blocks next to the skull. The second level contains a mega tumor. To collect it, grab the second ledge, and jump to the right.

Dialogs[ | ]

The skull at the beggining of the level says:
"when i wasn't dead i used to hang on corners n stuff"
"just like. . . . . . hanging out "
"get it? "
". . . . . . please dont die"

Baby black blob in the "???" area says:
"ah ha! finally someone i can relate to!"
"us descenders gotta stick together ya know"
"its very important to become part of a group"
"that way you instantly know whos good and whos evil!"
"obviously we are the good ones and everyone else . ."
"seriously though think about it"
"if we are right everyone else has gotta be wrong"
